22 Oct 2022

Deweys Readathon - October 2022

T-3 (11:00) It's that time of year again! The October 2022 readathon is starting in just three hours, and I'm busy getting everything ready before my partners in crime arrive. I definitely get less actual reading done, the more people we are, but it's SO much more cozy! So I'm very happy with the trade-off. Today I'll be joined by my parents, Rebekka, Michala, Rosa and Henriette! They're arriving in just over 2 hours, so time to start getting organized! The meals are in the crockpots (pulled pork and vegetarian sloppy joes), so I just need to do the last bit of tidying up and getting all the books out!

T-30 minutes (13:30) Everybody has arrived, so it's time to do our modified version of the "Getting to know you" survey!
  1. Where are you reading from today? My library, as per usual.... more specifically: Lyngby, Denmark.
  2. List a random fact about yourself: Mum: If I read through 2 books today I reach 100 books for the year! Dad: I have two hands? Maria: I "accidentally" read my readathon book last week, so now I have to find another one... oh the hardship ;-) Rosa: I have sooooo many books in my TBR-pile, but if I know myself, I'm only going to get to read one of them! Rebekka: Story of my life! I have a cold :-( Not Corona though! Henriette: I cannot read upside down (in response to Dad saying that he can - but that was his random fact last year, so he wanted to find a new one ;-) ) Michala: I'm probably going to fall asleep! I think I've taken naps at more readathons than I haven't.
  3. How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the readathon? Mum: Six Dad: Three Henriette: One and a half Maria: Eh... 10? Plus all the ones on the shelves. Rosa: Five Rebekka: Five Michala: Eight
  4. Which book are you going to start with? Mum: "Da mor var dreng" (old Danish book) Dad: Chipped Henriette: "Det tavse vidende" Maria: I haven't decided yet!!!! Rosa: Heartstopper volume 2 Rebekka: Meet me in the Margins Michala:
  5. Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon? Mum: Read two books! Dad: Not really Henriette: Nah Maria: Read more than last time Rosa: Finish "It Stars With Us" Rebekka: Read a book! Dad: What she said! Michala: Not really
  6. What snack are you most looking forward to? Mum: What did Rebekka bring? Rosa: It's a secret!!! Dad: Fazermints Henriette: Macarons Maria: The pistachios that are half gone already! Oooh! Rebekka's macarons (Rosa just went to get them!) Rosa: Macarons and chips! Rebekka: Macarons Michala: Macarons
Hour 3 (17:00): Three hours in and a lot of the snacks have been devoured. Rebekka's macarons were sooooo good!!!! She made three different flavours - black current, strawberry and passionfruit. They were all yummy, but passionfruit was by far my favourite. Yum!!! I finished my first book (and old Danish favourite from my childhood) about an hour ago, and am now about 60 pages into the second one - book 7 in the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire. Mixi's reading graphic novels this time around, and is close to finishing book 3!! Everybody else is still on their first book, although Rosa's getting very close!! Mini-challenge of the hour: Best (and worst) film adaptation of a book? Mum: Best: Lord of the Rings Dad: Best: Harry Potter. Worst: Disney adaptations of Jules Verne's novels - back in the 60s) Henriette: Best: Lord of the Rings Maria: Best: The Martian. Worst: either "Ender's Game" or "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Both amazing books and abysmal movies. Rosa: Best: Harry Potter. I don't think I have a worst. Rebekka: Best: Either Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings Michala: Best: Lord of the Rings. Worst: My Sister's Keeper - they changed the ending completely, and made it SO tacky. Books read: "Anak fra Østen" - Estrid Ott, "Where the Drowned Girls Go" - Seanan McGuire, "Two Can Keep a Secret" - Karen McManus "Dear Enemy" - Jean Webster, "Maus", "Ella Minnow Pea" - Mark Dunn Currently reading: