I've written about covers before. How we all make judgments based on looks even though we know we shouldn't, and how fortunately sometimes we give a book a shot despite the cover, and discover it was ALL worth it [link].
However, quite often different editions of the same book will have different covers, and sometimes one of those covers is as gorgeous as the other is hideous.
Just check out Under the Dome by Stephen King as an example. I love the hardcover edition

Or Outlander by Diana Gabaldon where the original cover was vibrant and colourful

And don't even get me started on this hideous cover of Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery which any Kindred Spirit hated to see on their beloved book.

SO! Your challenge - should you choose to accept it (which I hope you will!) - is to look up one of the books you're reading for the read-a-thon on Goodreads or Amazon, pick out two or three covers and describe which one you like the best, which one you like the least and why.
The challenge will run until 10pm Central European Summer Time (or 2 hours in other words) at which time the winner will be selected randomly from all entries.
Your choice of any one of the following:
Gone by Michael Grant (PDF)
The Immortals Quartet by Tamora Pierce (EPUB, LIT)
More Last Minute Knitted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson (EPUB)
Under the Dome by Stephen King (EPUB, MOBI)
Ultraviolet by R.J. Anderson (MOBI)
(NB: If you'd like a certain book, but can't read the format, download Calibre. It'll convert books from pretty much any format to pretty much any other format - and it's completely free too! I highly recommend it :) )
Leave a comment with either your answer or a link to your blog post with the answer and which book you would like if you win :)
Happy Reading! :-)
I'm in a hurry to get back to reading, so I won't participate for a prize BUT I absolutely, positively must agree with you that the cover for Anne of Green Gables is simply hideous. The first time I saw that cover, I had to ask myself if the artistic team had even read the book.
My answer is on my Hours Wrap Up Post http://www.lisasworldofbooks.net/?p=7192
Ditto this whole comment!
I chose two different covers for the novel version of The Stand by Stephen King.
My answer is here: http://hawkeye19.tumblr.com/post/49022705052/i-absolutely-love-the-last-cover-it-depicts
Here's my response: http://readerbuzz.blogspot.com/2013/04/vamos-its-time-for-deweys-24-hour-read.html
Thank you for this cool mini-challenge!
Fun challenge! Thanks for hosting, and I totally agree with you about that Stephen King cover.
My covers: http://thereadingdate.com/2013/04/26/a-date-with-a-readathon/
This was a fun challenge!
I had to opt for my favorite book, The Secret History.
Fun! Here's mine: http://thetruebookaddict.blogspot.com/2013/04/spring-into-horror-read-thon-reading.html
It's in my update sticky post so be sure to scroll down through the post.
The book I would love to win is The Immortal Quartet.
Thanks for the fun!
Here is my answer to this mini-challenge.
The book I picked was "Wonder".
I chose a book I read this morning. The Indian in the Cupboard
I chose to compare covers of the book I just finished, The Birth House. Full post here: http://dodgereadsbooks.blogspot.com/
Here's my best and worst covers for Charlotte's Web.
Oh my gosh! The Anne of Green Gables cover should be outlawed! Here's the link to my choice of best/worst cover.
Thanks for hosting
I am reading Interview with the Vampire. This is the library cover, which the front is antiquated and doesn't give me much of a sense that it's a vampire story. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/455218.Interview_with_the_Vampire What really creeped me out was the author's picture with a doll on the back cover. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vgO_Hu9XJJk/TNy2FCo3A5I/AAAAAAAAH9w/A-dV0kg8wiA/s1600/vampire_cover_back.jpg&imgrefurl=http://deliciousreadsbookclub.blogspot.com/2010/11/interview-with-vampire-book-club-recap.html&h=1519&w=1224&sz=546&tbnid=bEXYwrCLQC5FIM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=73&zoom=1&usg=__ErwG8i4I_29jkuu0NKMNzzqOCeU=&docid=Yi6zY0-Mqfw2PM&sa=X&ei=7xh8Uf3oO46C9QTj7IGAAg&ved=0CD8Q9QEwAw&dur=1367
I much prefer the cleaner candles and classic font on this version of the book. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6428035-interview-with-the-vampire
If I win, I'd love Stephen King's Under the Dome, I have not read anything by him yet
Here's mine: http://pinkindle.net/deweys-read-a-thon-april-2013#hr7
I loooove looking at different cover editions for books! Here's Jessica's and my answers: http://nisababepraised.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/read-a-thon-hour-7-mini-challenge-bestworst-covers/
Here's my link to my post. http://jennreneeread.blogspot.com/2013/04/read-thon-deweys-24-hour-read-thon.html
Here is mine...
Fun challenge!
Here's my entry. http://mersmuse.blogspot.ca/2013/04/deweys-read-thon-hours-5-8.html
Not the most exciting cover for my personal choice, but the one that fit my reading experience and personal taste the best...
iI looked at different covers of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen on my blog Hardcovers and Heroines. If I win I'd like Gone - it looks very interesting.
Here's the link to my post: http://hardcoversandheroines.com/2013/04/27/deweys-read-a-thon/
I am reading my way through the Sue Ann Jaffarian books and I like the simple line image covers of the series like this http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1478989.Thugs_and_Kisses
much better than the hardcover edition large print http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5054361-thugs-and-kisses
I hate to admit it but covers really do influence my book selection. Something about the original line drawings of the plus sized Odelia Grey convey her saucy, can't keep me down attitude. The other covers don't do that at all.
This was fun!
I agree on that Anne of Green Gables cover - it made me want to cry! But here's my answer to your challenge using the book Chocolat by Joanne Harris: http://leatherjournalthoughts.blogspot.com/2013/04/hour-7-mini-challenge-best-and-worst.html
Great challenge!
I'm reading American Woman and this cover is perfect. It depicts the beautiful country in which the fugitives are hiding, and adds the bullet holes that show that you're dealing with a dangerous situation.
This one, which is the cover of the copy I'm reading, is dull and tells me absolutely nothing about the book. Boo!!
My answer is here: http://beckysblogs.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/my-updates-for-deweys-24-hour-readathon/
And I would be happy to win any of these books as long as you could change them into readable formats. :)
so so true! and as a fellow kindred spirit who has actually lived in Anne's land [on Prince Edward Island!] it is definitely a NO GO!!
I chose two different versions of Jo's Boys.
Oh, sorry, I forgot to answer the 2nd part of the question. If I won I'd like Under the Dome. I've read many of Mr. King's novels but haven't picked that one up yet. Thanks!
Here's my post! http://onceuponatime.jaedia.net/?p=9883
I think I'd choose Under the Dome.
My post is here: http://youbookmeallnightlong.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/24-hour-read-a-thon/. Scroll down to see my entry based on The Count of Monte Cristo! I am not entering for a prize, though, since I don't have an e-reader. But thanks for hosting this fun challenge!
Fun challenge here's my link
yes that Green Gables cover... hideous doesn't quite describe it.
Here is my answer - http://www.4ahappierme.com/2013/04/deweys-read-thon-best-and-worst-covers.html
Thank you for hosting this challenge!
I like the new cover for "Gnit-Wit Gnipper and the Perilous Plague" better than the original. http://aliterarymafia.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/dewey-read-a-thon-best-and-worst-covers/
I'd prefer the "Under the Dome" prize.
LOL! That "Anne of Gables" cover is horrible. HORRIBLE.
That Anne cover makes me want to cry. And blond hair, the publisher is having a laugh :-)
BookishTrish from Between the Lines
I posted pictures of both covers for Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs. I like the darker / newer one better. Here's the link:
If I win, I think I'd like to read Stephen King's Under the Dome. Yeah, I like the cover showing the clear dome better than the one showing the old man.
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